Wetlands/Soil Science Services

Municipal, State and Federal Regulations govern the use of land within and adjacent to wetlands and watercourses in order to reduce potential negative impacts and ensure the continued health of these valuable natural resources. All parties engaged in the use and development of land must be apprised of the location of these resources and the applicable permitting requirements associated with them in order to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

To this end, Boundaries, LLC provides the following professional services related to Wetlands and Soil Science:

  • CT Statutory Inland Wetland/Watercourse Delineation and Reporting
  • Federal (Army Corps of Engineers) Inland Wetland/Watercourse Delineation and Reporting
  • Impact Assessments and Analysis
  • Municipal and Federal Wetlands Permitting
  • Wetland Restoration, Remediation and Impact Mitigation
  • Municipal, State, and Federal Wetlands Violation Resolution
  • Municipal Wetland Map Amendments
  • Detailed Soil Descriptions and Soils Mapping
  • Development Constraint Compilation and Feasibility Analysis
  • Environmental Data Compilation
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) Services
  • Consulting Soil Scientist and Peer Review

Consulting Wetlands/Soil Science Services Contact:
John U Faulise Jr, L.S.  jfaulise@boundariesllc.net

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